Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Okay time to post again... Erm
okay on Monday... I went to
Tm with some Bros, Vin, Gr,
Wl and Pl. We went there meet my fren
then had dinner at Kopitiam. After
that went to find WL shoe, then when
to look for my headset. After that went
home then sleep...

Yesterday had nothing much...
just went for cca and then stayed at home
chat, and game

Today morning wake up played game
afternoon meet paul and go his house slack
at 5 plus went home... and now blogging, chatting
and gaming...

Okay ill stop here Buaiz =)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another Tiring Day

Today woke up at 9o'clock,
when to block 116 to look
for bro(Paul) then went
to 123 buy drink, and went
off to Bcc cos Fcc cant train
got wushu, we walk walk,
chat chat till Bcc, found out
that Bcc also got wuShu
so Shaq then we went to block 18 play
reach block 18 at around 10 o'clock,
Guo Rui soon call and Paul asked him
to come and join us, at 10.30 he reached
we started on our very hardcore morning
training... Till 11 we went back to Bcc cos
Wushu over we play play there and went
back home... Went home had lunch then
GuoXiang ask me want go marine parade
anot. I said cant cos must stay with my bro
cos he going back to army... So sian, hope
next week they will jio go out also

So now at home playing, blogging, chatting
Plurking, with nothing else to do...Sianed

Okay... Thats all for today GoodBuaiz

p.s What a long post... Nelson Enjoy ur OBS camp will wait for you to come back
and have fun together. =)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Its been so long since i last post
think now must be abit more active
so will try to post everyday

This will be a long post so bear
with it alright.

Ok so Basically this few days after
exams went out to play basketball and
and barbeque. We also celebrated
our beloved Chang Yuan's leave
and thats all.

As for today early in the morning
woke up went to school with nelson
and zhi wei to take their report book
and i managed to get into the school by
following zhi wei's mother after that went
to nelson house slept awhile then went
to FengShan Community Center watch
Team Z's match and WOW we won. After
that played awhile and came home. Today
posted early as i think there will be no?
more events at night. Now i am chatting
and blogging.

Alright gotta go off GoodBuaiz.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Erm exams over le so
i will post haha Finally OVER
today after school played ball
after exams then rushed home
meet nelson,wayne and zw go
Team Z de training so fun
then when home.Went downstairs,
buy tape for wayne's jersey now at nelson
house going to game.GoodaBye.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Okay today nothing much to post
because not really much activities.
So yea nothing to post=).And now
also very stressed out cos of exams
haiz sianed.

Now Tired Getting Ready To


Monday, September 28, 2009

Wah so long no post le so i shall post...
Erm from after june holidays had busy
days like mon to wed band till around 7.30
reach home.Then at home need study and
did not really use com weekends sometimes
use com but abit lazy post.=)

So,Every friday also go TM open plaza there
meet frens the play till 7 plus go home rest
ps3 go sleep weekend always go out so yea
no much time to post.But after exams Will
be posting almost every day.

So now about today, Woke up at 6.45 which
is abit late, reached school at 7.15 then went
down for morning assembly,the blah blah
blah lessons till recess went to play bball and
hit a same person with 2 air ball(purposely)
so funny then after that lessons,till after school
meet yoyoing frens from school and played till 2.15
Then have remedial Till 3.30 after that went home
use com for work.

And now Posting And Chatting
and now going for dinner!(so Hungry)
ya parents rushing gotta go Bye!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sian nvr post because school reopen,
sian now everyday go school must
take temperature 2 times summore
stupid H1N1.Then after school went
to find Nelson to eat eat.Then while
eating saw her walk past drinking
BubbleTea then nelson ask me go
but today nvr go yesterday walk her
home then before this play dota now

And that day went to watch transformer
its damn nice la u all must watch man
and the say buy Linkin Park soooo nice

Now Chatting and Blogging =)
